When Somalis twerk

USIU is like an urban legend, most people that talk about it have never been there. They rely on rumors that have been passed on from one social construct to the next. And in these rumors they are comfortable; it is easier to believe that a student there drives to class in a fuel guzzler... Continue Reading →

The Urban Conductor

These guys have a cool factor about them; they walk the earth like a cross breed of a lion and a news anchor. And the ladies love them; for some reason. They never have to chase tail, tail chases them; from the young fine somethings to the middle aged fine somethings heck even just the... Continue Reading →

We Let It Burn

I want to start this letter and address you as dear but who am I kidding, this is not an official email, I am not in the market for a new job, you're not my high school sweetheart and I just don't feel like it. So hi will have to do. Hi, If you're anything... Continue Reading →

Movie Review: Eye in the Sky

You’re walking in town and it’s very cold. Your teeth are chattering against each other they feel like a malfunctioning drill. There’s coffee houses lined up along the street, they look warm. Inside people are in different states of chatter, pensiveness and idling. There’s one guy staring into nothingness with a steaming mug between his... Continue Reading →

The Temptress

You’ve only ever heard about her before. She’s an idea. A rumor. A fantasy. An adventure. A legend. Like a ménage à trois. Exciting to think about but always out of your reach. Her elegance is much talked about. How the wind gently blows wisps of her hair back. How in her wake men and... Continue Reading →

Empty Seat

When you are seated in a matatu waiting for it to fill up and you see a guy sauntering in without a care in the world there’s that brief moment you close your eyes and hope he doesn’t sit next to you. It’s emasculating when a guy sits next to you in a mat with... Continue Reading →

HBR Freshman Class of 2015: The hip hop revolution – New Kids on the block

What happens when a popular radio station decides it’s time to give air time to deserving artistes? In the words of one Neil Patrick Harris It’s fucking – wait for it – legendary. Over the years we’ve had the airwaves dominated by the same old artistes with the same old sounds on heavy rotation. To... Continue Reading →

Tuesdays are the worst

There I was sitting at the bar counter. I was on my third brown and the liquid gold was proving it's money's worth. Never mind it was smack in the middle of Tuesday and the place was as empty as a priests condom drawer. Tuesdays are my worst. You see other than work I have... Continue Reading →

Twenty Something Something: On to the next one

Remember how your first sexual experience was as disappointing as Arsenal for the last three seasons? I mean for some reason we all expected the glorious singing of angels, luminescent rays from the heavens beaming on our glistening naked bodies, the realization of some unknown truth and finally we would seal a love so strong... Continue Reading →

Too old?

  Something about a body glistening with sweat with one hand stretched out holding onto a table for dear life with the other hand stretched back looking for what might seem to be extra support seems daunting. Wait... I'm not done yet. At the same time her bottoms are gyrating in the name of grinding...... Continue Reading →

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